广州市奔华塑料制品有限公司前身为广州市白云区奔华有机玻璃制品厂,专业生产PMMA、压克力、亚克力、有机玻璃(英文名统称:acrylite)挤出型管材、棒材,异型材及其相关工艺制品。 目前我们的产品有:有机玻璃棒、有机玻璃管、压克力棒、压克力管、亚克力棒、亚克力管、仿水晶汽泡棒、压克力线条棒、压克力线条管、双色管、双色棒,压(亚)克力异型材及相关工艺制品。 我公司采用ARKEMA进口原料生产的管材和棒材,产品通透程度高于市面上其它牌号材料的同类别产品,产品符合ROHS、SGS、UL等认证要求,主要针对批量采购、质量要求高的客户群体;另外采用合资品牌材料或国产材料生产的管材无料痕,也是你不错的选择. 公司成立于2005年,拥有多名从事PMMA挤出工艺达10年以上的专业人才;公司成立的9年来,不断增加技术经费,产品质量显著提升,目前我公司的管材产品表面质量在国内处于领先水平;棒才方面,本厂已成为全球少有的几家能生产大直径内圆珠压克力汽泡棒的厂家之一(指直径80MM以上,用肉眼看棒体内的汽泡仍圆如圆珠的汽泡棒);另外我司在工艺制品加工方面经验丰富,产品精致,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。 我们本着“质量就是生命力”的经营理念,围绕“创造客户更高价值”的服务宗旨,以快捷的速度、优质的服务和诚信的态度与广大客户精诚合作,共同开发更多适合市场需求的产品,共创美好的明天。 Guangzhou Benhua plastics Co., LTD, formerly known as guangzhou baiyun district, , organic glass products factory, produce production of PMMA tubes、bars (English named: Acrylite) called extrusion type tubes, rods and related technology products. Company adopts imported raw material of ARKEMA,the finished product is much batter than that what is make with the other brands of raw material, and both the material and its finished product meet the ROHS, SGS, UL certification requirements etc, mainly face to batch purchase and the high quality demand customer groups. Additionally, we adopt domestic material, no black point, it is also a good choice for you. Our company was established in 2005, with a team of PMMA extrusion professional talents who process 10 years experience at least , The company in past five years, both technology and qulity of products (especially pipe) significantly increased, Greatly, we has become one of manufacturers who can supply large diameter within pmma bubbles (80MM diameter, the bubble is in greatly looks like Pearls around it ), Additionally we experienced in ralated technology products will always be your reliable partner. 加工方式 : 来样加工;来图加工;其他; 工艺 : 挤塑/押出;模具制造;塑胶成型; 产品质量认证 : RoHS; 品牌名称 : BenHuA,奔华 质量控制 : 内部