金叶机械有限公司,本公司位于广东省东莞市,角社工业区。公司成立于2008年,我们将以一种全新的经营理念面向世界。主要从事各种马达机械,有自动插纸机,绕线机,入线机,绑线机线圈整型机,吊扇绕线机,双飞叉绕线机,卧式插纸机。以及五金加工设备;自动多轴攻牙机钻孔机,试验机,自动送料机,自动车床等机械制造经营和维护。自动多轴攻牙机,适用于各种小五金件的批量生产,冲压件,压铸件等产品多孔加工。自动插纸机,绕线机等适用于各种电风扇生产厂家,电机生产厂家的批量生产,自动化生产,流水线生产配套设备。我们还生产一种割十字槽的自动车床。我们和多家工厂有合作协议,可以从事各种非标机械制造,各种机械零部件加工,钣金加工,烤漆喷涂。从事多品种机械制造。我们本着一切以客户为中心,良好的售后服务。为打造一个机械行业知名品牌而不断努力。目前,公司治力发展电器制造设备。各种机械制造的同行一起探讨技术经验。欢迎各种机械使用客户来电咨询。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎咨询洽谈!请联系我们。jinyejxGold leaf machinery Co., LTD, the company is located in guangdong following, Angle, club industrial park. Company name; Gold leaf machinery Co., LTD.; We will with a new management concept facing the world. We mainly engaged in all kinds of motor machinery, have a paper machine, tie line machine, coiling machine, coil integer machine, automatic multi-axis tapping machines drilling machine air compressor, screw air compressor and air compressor heat energy conversion machine, testing machine, automatic lifting machine, automatic lathe machine manufacturing operation and maintenance. Automatic multi-axis tapping machine, apply to all kinds of hardware pieces of batch production, stamping, die casting products such as porous processing. Playing paper machine, coiling machine, apply to all kinds of electric fan production factory, the motor of the manufacturer of the batch production, automatic production, assembly line production equipment. We also produce a cut of the slot automatic lathe. We and several factories have the cooperation agreement, can be engaged in various non-standard machinery manufacturing, all kinds of machinery parts processing, metal processing, paint spraying. Engaged in many kinds of machinery manufacturing. 加工方式 : 来料加工;来样加工;来料代工加工;来图加工;其他; 工艺 : 机加工;磨加工;组装;模具制造;其他机械五金工艺; 产品质量认证 : CCC; 品牌名称 : 金叶机械 质量控制 : 第三方