所属行业:建材 安防用品 防护帽
主营产品:环氧树脂 地坪涂料 FRP 耐酸碱地坪
昶泓合成材料(昆山)有限公司为外商独资企业,主要引进日本及欧美先进生产技术及配方。投资总额300万美元,注册资金280万美元,占地20亩的外商独资生产厂家。 经营专案:生产新型建筑材料、组合料,合成树脂及电子 化学品相关材料,集制造、销售为一体的经营系统,可依据自己的产品特性及环境,气温变化,调整使用材料及涂装间隔时间,根据大陆的实际环境改进生产配方,可在温度为-7℃环境下进行设计施工,为客户提供良好的品质、服务。
Eversun Synthetic Material (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. is an exclusively foreign-owned company, mainly introduces Japanese and occident advanced production technologies and formulae. With a total investment of USD 3 million and registered capital of USD 2.8 million, the exclusively foreign-owned manufacturer has a floor space of 20 mu (app .13,340 m 2 ). The Business Scope includes producing new generation of building material, combined material, synthetic resin and electronics and chemicals-related material, an operation system integrating production and sales, adjustable production characteristics and painting intervals based on the environmental conditions, climate and temperature change, production formulae improvement depending on the actual environment of China Mainland, design and construction under a environmental temperature of -7 o C, providing high quality products and services to customers.