鑫品五金,立于经济发达的广东省东莞市,是一家集研发设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的综合性企业。自创业以来,“鑫品人”凭着不懈的努力和超前的意识,开发、生产出款式新颖、品种多样、规格齐全、质优价廉的家具、柜厨拉手系列,其产品深受广大客商的一致好评,欢迎新老顾客光临。 “鑫品人”始终保持;“品质优先,精益求精,开拓创新”的品质方针,坚持“互相尊重,精诚服务,科学管理的企业文化理念。诚守“信誉第一,质量第一,客户至上,服务至上”的服务宗旨。 品质源于专业,诚信创造价值。我们将一如既往的以客户需求为导向,力创“鑫品”顶尖品牌,鑫品五金愿与各界朋友携手共进,共谱凯歌。 XINPIN ALUMINUM &HARDWARE CO.,LTD was established in NANHAI FOSHAN, is a all-around factory of designing,producing and servicing. Since it opened,XINPIN insists on producing serious unique furniture and kitchen handles of high quality and reasonable have a great reputation in the line of handle. XINPIN’s concept is “Quality first, Innovative”,our spirit is “Customer NO.1,Win-win situation”. Profession insure high quality, Faith provide worth. We are going to satisfy customers’ requirement and make “XINPIN”one of the top brands, are willing to have a long-term cooperation and have a promising future with all of you in this line