所属行业:家居 家居电器 家用水处理设备
上海捷宜水处理技术有限公司始创立于2006年﹐注册资金500万,通过了ISO9001和ISO14001认证,主要从事各类水处理设备:工业﹑商业﹑家用水处理设备及配件的生产与销售。产品广泛应用于工业污水处理,生活污水处理、中水回用、雨水收集、景观水循环处理;反渗透纯水设备:管道分质供水﹑食品﹑医药﹑锅炉﹑石油﹑化工﹑电子等行业﹐在机关团体﹑学校﹑家庭等企事业单位亦得到广泛的应用和多方面的肯定﹐并在行业中树立了较佳的声誉。 公司自成立以来﹐始终秉承“质量就是生命﹐创新就是灵魂”的经营理念﹐坚持“团结﹑进取﹑诚信”的企业文化﹐力求为客户提供优质齐全且具价格竞争力的产品﹐并保证完善的售后服务。捷宜将不断地拓展产品领域﹐设计﹑研发新产品﹐加强基础生产制造﹐完善内部各项管理﹐积极布局**市场﹐以完成客户对捷宜的期待与需求。 工厂地址坐落在普陀区长征工业园区,毗邻中环,交通方便,欢迎莅临指导。
Company Presentation
SHANGHAI JIEYI WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. established in 2001, Registered capital of 5 million ,and passed ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificate, we specializes in manufacturing water treatments and accessories for residential, commercial, and industrial application. Our Reverse Osmosis water purification products are designed for food, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics and petroleum industries. The R. O. drinking water systems have been widely used in households, schools, and offices. We truly believe in our motto-“Quality is the life of the company and innovation is its soul.” In the past years, we have built our corporate culture on “Unity, Progress, and Honesty.” We have dedicated ourselves to provide top quality products at the most competitive prices and best service to our customers. JIEYI, you know you are getting the most reliable products that meet your need. JIEYI, you know that we are giving our best effort in making you as satisfied customer.
加工方式 : 来图加工;
工艺 : 电镀;
品牌名称 : JIE-E
质量控制 : 内部