上海铎勋实业有限公司成立于2004年,专注于高端围巾的设计开发生产,为高端品牌及时尚业提供专业的配饰解决方案;十多年的行业历炼和沉淀,结合国内外较**的生产和工艺资源,公司执著于材质与工艺的**结合,为客户创造较富时尚生命力的产品; 基于上述专业背景,公司于2012年成立面向时尚业内人士的高端围巾品牌Basicplus铂嘉, 由意大利设计师精心打造。 品牌专注于色彩及工艺的**结合,并始终如一地采用****的羊绒真丝等高贵材料;摒弃浮夸不实用的装饰,以精良质感和精彩细节传达内敛而又时尚的气息。 工艺成就风尚 时光见证美好;一件上乘的围巾,应该足以诠释穿戴者的内心,经典较致亦或帅气随性,或许还有些沧桑。。。。。。 公司主营业务: 1、围巾贴牌加工/定制 (服装品牌、设计师精品店、礼品定制)。 2、意大利进口围巾披肩 - 现货/订单。 3、国产高端围巾披肩 - 现货/订单。 4、自营品牌Basicplus铂嘉 – */代理。 Shanghai Duoxun Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 2004, focus on high quality scarf and provide professional accessories solution for Apparel Brands, Boutiques and gifts; We always pursue on the perfect combination between the material and artwork. Based on the best factories both in China and Italy, we always try best to provide customers the products full of fashion vitality; Benefit from the professional experience, the company registered scarf/Shawl Brand “Basicplus铂嘉” in 2012 which serve for “fashion insiders”.“Basicplus铂嘉“focus on color, artwork and expression, brand consistently apply fine fiber made of silk cashmere etc., abandon the flamboyant decoration, always bring customer the perfect products with fine texture and wonderful details. Artwork to create fashion, time to prove goodness; The good scarf, should be enough to explain the wearer"s heart, elegant or casual, and perhaps some of the vicissitudes...... Company Business Items: 1、Scarf OEM / ODM (For apparel brand, boutiques and gifts). 2、Scarf available in stock; Minimum order quantity: 1 pc. 3、Scarf imported from Italy – stock available / order. 4、Proprietary brand Basicplus铂嘉。 品牌名称 : BASIC PLUS 仓库 1 : 地址:上海 - 上海 上海市长宁区 代理级别 : 全国总代