上海金滤压缩机净化设备有限公司位于上海市嘉定区南翔镇专业从事过滤净化系统的技术研究、销售、及售后服务工作,生产经营各种品牌空压机成套设备、净化器、过滤器以及与之相匹配的零配件(空气滤清器、机油过滤器、油气分离器、净化设备等),是生产研制和制造滤芯、过滤的专业性公司。公司自成立以来在产品的研制及生产方面积累了丰富经验,并投入大量资金进行技术改造和设备更新,具有研制、开发各种新型过滤器的能力,产品质量稳定可靠,深受消费者青睐。我司还可以根据客户需要,定做其所需的规格。及时调整生产能力和降低生产成本。无论新老客户都能以最合理的价格和高质量的产品以面对压榨高商场激烈竞争。 本公司“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”,竭诚为广大客户及中间供应商提供各种工艺式样和技术服务,不断采取用户的意见,以满足客户的需求,您们的发展就是金滤公司走向更高目标和希望的动力。同时也希望更多中间商与我们共同合作和发展。 Shanghai Jinlv Compressor Purification Equipment Co., Ltd located in nanxiang town, jiading district, shanghai, specializes in compressor purificaton system technology research, maketing and after-sales service, manufactureing and dealing in various kinds of brands of compressor complete equipments, purifier filters and the matched accessoreis(such as air filter, oil filter, air&oil separator, purification equipment and so on). Jinlv company is a profeesional company of producing and studying filter element, filter equipment. From the beginning of our company, we have acculmulated much experience in product development and production, invested greatly in technology reform and equipment replacement. She have the ability to research and develop different new types of filters. Our products are steady and reliable in quality, deeply trusted by consumers. According to the clients’ requirements, we can provide the required specification. We have already adjusted prodcution capacity and reduced production cost in time. Whether the new customers or clients, you can face the keen competitive compressor market by favourable price and excellent quality. 加工方式 : 来样加工;来图加工;其他; 工艺 : 其他机械五金工艺; 品牌名称 : SANLV 质量控制 : 内部