从一九九四年开始从事薄膜开关研究和生产、目前生产技术已达到国际先进水准,公司在深圳注册、科技私营企业。拥有一支智能化设计、施工和管理的专业队伍;现有厂房面积约 2000 平方米,员工 100 余人,其中具有高、中、初级技术职称的专业技术人员十余人。 我公司拥有强大的设计制作阵容、前期作业全部采用ERP生产系统, CAD/CAM 运作,可随时提供 ISO9001 质量体系管理动作。根据国家《产品质量法》和《标准化法》的要求,建立有一整套完善的质量保证体系。从用户加工文件的审查制作(合同评审),到生产过程中各个环节的工艺质量控制,以及工序文明生产要求、工序质量检验标准乃至设备运行保养制度、材料采购质量保证规则、工人应知应会考核标准、工期进度考核规定等(过程控制)都制定有详细的操作规范,并实现了制度化、文件化。生产线上运行的每一件产品,都有明确的标识。对于批量加工的产品,还建立有批次号管理制度。从用户件审核开始,确保了产品质量具有可追溯性。长期与我公司携手合作的有**集团、中兴集团、华为公司、NEC、迈瑞、顺章等大型企业。 公司设计、制作的薄膜开关面、凹凸面、薄膜开关,多层架桥走线薄膜开关、高透明窗沙面(薄膜开关 加LED薄膜开关,加LCD薄膜开关、加发光体薄膜开关等),触摸屏、发光片各种薄膜面板、电脑、学习机 键盘软电路、各种仪表表面、贵宾卡、信用卡、铭牌、滴塑、防滑纸、胶贴制品曾多次荣获(金网奖)! Our company has been studying and producing pellicle switches and decorations for board of family equipment since 1988,and our producing technology level has been keeping an advanced level internationally while our producing capacity expanding year by year. Our company is a privately runned technology enterprise registered in Shenzhen which owns producing factory of itself . Series of the pellicle switches designed and produced by us used to gain the “GOLD NET AWARD “ , for example, planar switches、concavo-convex switches、mirror like board telepathy switches、non-connect telepathy switches、LED pellicle switches、LCD pellicle switches、shiner pellicle switches、etc., and PC、PMMA anti-scratching adorning slab、touch screen、shiner parcel、magic mirror and kinds of pellicle boards, besides computer keyboard electrocircuit and surface ofelctronic equipment. The products of our company have been widely used in many of the house equipment factories、electronic equipment、War Industry and medical equipment. We will try our best to optimize and beautify human products and create new technics and beautifulfuture by inheriting good technics and advanced culture. 加工方式 : 来样加工;来图加工;OEM加工; 工艺 : 丝印;模切;冲压;机雕;激光; 质量控制 : 内部