所属行业:超硬材料 石材/石材养护 砂岩
主营产品:砂岩 雕刻 板材 工程
四川自贡建峰生态工艺石材厂,是一家致力于矿山开采,生产加工,研发销售和设计安装天然艺术砂岩的企业,下设砂岩加工工艺厂和砂岩雕刻工艺厂。砂岩具有天然环保,视觉悦目,质感独特,愈久弥新等特点,它历经上亿年形成而不可再生,是一种有限的宝贵矿石资源,在发达国家的开采受到禁止和限量。它在世界的文化历史和建筑上都有着璀璨夺目的表现,如美国白宫,哈佛大学,巴黎圣母院,庐浮宫,乐山大佛,深圳大学城清华园区等。";龙石";融入了多元的艺术元素,展示了深厚的文化内涵,蕴涵可精妙的设计构思,环保时尚,内敛素雅,厚集薄发,尊贵华美,闪耀出人文美,自然美,实用美的光芒,创造出了一个崭新的艺术表现形式,体现了现代的国际流行趋势:";低调奢华,高调生活";,风靡了建筑装修界和高品位家装消费群,曾有大宇集团,正大集团等国际知名财团先后由市府带队到我厂矿考察参观。";龙石";的销售网络遍布北京,上海,杭州,佛山,广州,杭州,贵阳,成都,重庆及北美和欧洲等地。 “龙石”系列砂岩艺术品,运用砂岩自身特点,本着全新雕刻工艺,以灵巧生动的艺术形式,表达深邃的文化理念,既可再现自然景观,又可展示书法艺术,集古典与现代、富贵与朴素、粗犷与细腻于一体,广泛应用于广场,公园,古建,园林,小区,歌剧院、宾馆、酒店、会议厅、城市文化墙等公共场所,以及家庭内装饰、电视背景墙等,完全符合现代人追求的推崇人文,回归自然、返朴归真、绿色环保的生活理念,于朴实中彰显尊贵,在写意中铭记永恒。
Sichuan Zigong ecological art Stone material plant. Sandstone possess the feature of natural and environmental friendly, uniquely texture, and can keep freshness in spite of the passage of time. it was formed millions of years ago on non-renewable basis and is a limited valuable mineral resources, however, its more valuable point lies in that ";Long Stone"; blends various art elements, displays deep cultural connotation and contains sophisticated design concept, forming the style of environmental friendly, fashionable, restrained elegance and reflecting the modern international trends: ";low-key luxury, high-profile life,"; and therefore, it wins the popularity in the building decoration industry and high-grade Home customers. With its own features, ";Dragon Stone"; series of sandstone art expresses their idea of deep cultural characteristics and is fully in line with modern people""""""""s pursuit of back-to-nature, getting back to simplicity, green life philosophy,. showing nobility in simplicity and eternal characteristic in the cosy atmosphere.