深圳市长辉新材料科技有限公司 公 司 简 介 【长辉】创建于1997年,专业生产及代理世界**品牌涂料油墨助剂,经过10年的发展,已在中国市场赢得广大客户的信赖,公司也正在积极向全国各地建设销售网络和仓库,为客户提供便利快速的服务,及时将货物送到客户手中,为中国涂料油墨的蓬勃发展作出**的贡献。 【长辉】的宗旨是:我们永远不满足今天的产品的性能,相信明天的产品比今天更**! 【长辉】携手: USA BNKCHEM GROUP COMPANY LIMITED美国美利肯化工集团有限公司,在中国大陆和中国香港地区展开全面合作,得到BNKCHEM公司总裁Brrifield 梅里菲尔德先生的大力支持,开拓中国助剂市场。 【长辉】生产及合作品牌包括: 长辉化工、BNK、德谦、道康宁等产品几百个品种。 【长辉】主要产品有:抗油剂、消泡剂、流平剂、分散剂、手感剂、耐磨抗刮剂、导电剂、抗静电剂、防掉银剂、附着力促进剂、玻璃密着剂、PP底水、二甲基硅油、防沉剂、锤纹剂、钴水(兰水)、白水(过氧化甲乙酮)、防结皮剂、氟碳表面活性剂、氟硅表面活性剂、光引发剂、氟改性丙烯酸乳液等。 等。 【长辉】目前已经具备一定的实力,先后加入:广东省涂料协会、浙江省涂料协会、深圳市**产业协会。 【长辉】于2012年正式获得国家**企业认定。 【长辉】位于中国较具发展的城市----深圳特区,海陆空的立体交通,与世界没有距离。 长辉化工的客服部电话:400-688-3918 Company Brief introduction Our company was founded in 1997, as a famous agent of the business of prestigious painting ink chemical additives over 10 years development in mainland, we have gained the reputation by our customers and the sales all over the mainland and the construction of the warehouse of goods-keeping also are undergoing. Thanks for these activities, we can serve our clients more effectively and we can reduce waiting time and strengthen our logistic ability and contribute the whole industry with our participation. Our belief, we never satisfy what we have achieved today, cause we focus more on tomorrow and we believe we can do it better. We have built the strategic relationship with USA BNKCHEM GROUP COMPANY LIMITED, particularly get the strong support from its CEO MR.B. Merrifield. With this we have developed the local market and H.K Chemical additives market as well. Hundreds of famous brands what we are dealing in Chemical additives are 长辉化工、BNK、 德谦、DOWCORNINGetc. 品牌名称 : USA-BNK