泉州科骏化工有限公司创建于2005年,系专业从事导电材料研发及应用的高科技企业。作为国内导电材料领域的新锐,科骏与国内外众多**化工企业、科研机构结成战略协作同盟,导电、防静电、电磁屏蔽技术国际*,积贯了丰富的产品资源和应用实践,特别是主导产品——**导电炭黑更是以其**的导电性能而名闻遐迩,深受海内外用户的赞誉和信赖。 公司产品品种丰富,目前代理德国UNPOL、美国DMEST(德蒙斯洛)等国际**化工公司国内代理商之一。主要代理以下品种,即:**导电炭黑、**细导电炭黑、抗静电剂系列、紫外线吸收剂系列、橡塑遮味剂、涂料油墨遮味剂、应用涉及塑料、橡胶、涂料、油墨、皮革等多种行业,并不断延伸至更多领域。 “贴近客户、成就客户、协作共赢”,这是科骏化工的一贯宗旨。谋划未来,我们愿继续秉持“服务客户、用户至上”的经营理念,以导电材料为纽带,积极为广大客户*、定制化服务,真诚与广大客户携手并进、共谋发展! Quanzhou KeJun Chemical Co., LTD is a Subsidiary of Hong Kong SanSheng Group, which was founded in 2005. KeJun specialized in trading of conductive materials and related technical applications. KeJun has worked with chemical companies and institutes to introduce super electric conductive carbon black for different Industrial applications. KeJun has secured different resources to meet our customers demand and applications in electronic conductivity industry, including electric conduction, antistatic and electromagnetic shielding. The principles of our service is ";Complying with contracts, Customer is supreme";, KeJun hopes to introduce better conductive materials, with our sincerely service to witnesses win-win situation of our bilateral relationship 品牌名称 : 科骏 仓库 1 : 地址:泉州 - 泉州 泉州市丰泽区