福州茜素喷墨材料有限公司,是国内较大的专业热转印纸生产商,有先进专业的研究团体和生产、销售团队,提供高质量的产品和专业的售后服务。我司产品**东南亚,中东等国,热转印纸产品转印颜色丰富鲜艳,自然饱和,弹性手感好,耐水洗次数高,以高品质,诚信度高深受广大客户的欢迎和信赖。主要产品有:喷墨机打印热转印纸,激光机打印热转印纸,溶济型热转印纸,PU刻字膜。 Alizarin coating co., ltd, founded in 2004, is an innovative manufacturer of inkjet & laser receptive coating and inkjet ink for inkjet & laser plotter. Our core business focuses on the production of top-quality, coated presentation papers and films in a number of variations, ranging from Eco-solvent inkjet media, Mild solvent inkjet media, Water resistance inkjet media to the transfer papers. And we have extensive expertise in this field. That is why alizarin is the perfect choice and services in the best possible light. Depending on the application, alizarin products are available for use with inkjet printers and plotters, color laser printers and digital printing machines. The end result is posters and other promotional aids, information dossiers, presentation documentations, signs of all kinds, displays using background lighting, fabrics with transferred motifs etc. Whatever the product, the result is consistently impressive: first-class printing quality, true colors and a high level of color saturation, not to mention excellent tear resistance and an invariably smooth passage through the machine.