东莞市三木化工材料有限公司是由拥有二十多年的生产制造经验,拥有精湛的制造技术和多种技术配方的焊锡业资深人员创办的高科技企业,是一家集开发,生产销售及培训制造无铅无卤锡膏技术,制造锡磷抗氧化合金技术,开发出气味小,烟雾小,环保无铅,无卤的锡线蕊活性剂制造技术,培训环保免洗型,无卤型等类型助焊剂技术为一体的大型培训基地.开发了时下最先进的锡粉机,自产高品位锡粉供客户。 三木公司生产的焊锡厂,电子厂的辅料产品,原材料均采用进口.多年来在领域中不断取得令人引以为豪的成就,产品符合美国QQ-S-571E及日本JIS-Z-3282的国际标准. 我们的宗旨是:"最优的价格,最好的质量,最完美的售后服务".我们热忱欢迎国内外各新老客户莅临咨询,洽谈.三木将与用户携手共进,共创美好明天. Miki Accessories Co., Ltd., Dongguan City, has over 20 years by manufacturing experience, with superb technology, manufacturing technology and a variety of formulations of the solder industry veteran who founded high-tech enterprise, is a collection development, production, sales and manufacturing lead-free training halogen-free solder paste technology, manufacturing, tin-phosphorus alloy oxidation technology to develop odor, smoke, small, environmentally friendly lead-free, halogen-free solder wire core active agent manufacturing technology, training, environmental protection disposable type, and other types of halogen-free flux technology as one of the major training base the development of today's most advanced tin powder, tin powder for high quality production for our customers. Miki produced solder factory, electronics factory accessories products, raw materials are imported for many years in the field continue to make people proud of the achievements, products meet the United States QQ-S-571E and Japanese JIS-Z-3282's international standards. Our aim is: "the best price, best quality, perfect after-sales service." We warmly welcome new and old customers come to consult, negotiate. Miki will work together with users to create a better tomorrow.