上海金凯德分析仪器有限公司是一家以专业生产、销售气相色谱仪、液相色谱仪及常用色谱零配件为主的高科技民营企业。主产品有:GC-2050系列气相色谱仪、LC-20高效液相色谱仪、KL-20A型液相色谱柱温箱、HP-01型真空泵、DJ-2T顶空进样器、DJ-500T半自动顶空进样器、Micro-GC便携式气相色谱仪。 我们将以“真、诚”欢迎每一位用户的惠顾。公司将一如既往的把更好的产品、更新的技术、更优的服务奉献给您---我们的朋友! Kincaid Shanghai Analytical Instruments Co., Ltd. is a professional production, sales gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and chromatography accessories used mainly high-tech private enterprises. Main products are: GC-2050 series gas chromatograph, LC-20 liquid chromatograph, KL-20A-type liquid column thermostat, HP-01-type vacuum pumps, DJ-2T headspace sampler, DJ-500T Semi-automatic headspace sampler, Micro-GC portable gas chromatograph. We will be ";true, sincere"; welcome to every user of the patrons. The company will continue to better products, newer technology, better service dedicated to you --- our friends! 品牌名称 : 凯灵仪器