上海汉镭电子科技发展有限公司是从事板材加工设备、数控系统研发及销售的**公司,为广大客户提供技术良好的板材加工数控产品,客户遍及整个华东地区及亚洲地区。 我公司的产品主要有LED面板灯高速打点系统,面板灯裁切系统,Entrylaser大型激光切割设备、亚克力钻石抛光机、亚克力高光造型机、激光打标系统等,产品涉及的领域包括LED工业照明,商业照明,工程塑料、轨道交通、金属加工、绝缘材料、模型、家具、电子等各大产业。 我公司秉承“品质**,客户至上”的服务宗旨,建立完善的售后服务**系统,拥有一支经验丰富、训练有素的稳定工程师队伍,不断把世界较新技术**到板材加工数控领域,提供较有效的板材加工工艺解决方案。 Shanghai Entrylaser electronic technology development Co.,Ltd is high-tech company,Engaging in CNC machining center, numerical control system development and sales, Providing most perfect CNC cutting products for our customers which mainly distributed in the whole East China and Asia. Entrylaser products including Multicam CNC router machine , Entrylaser high-speed laser machine,arcylic polishing machine, acrylic high-gloss molding machine and laser marking system .A wide variety of industries depend on Entrylaser products ,such as exhibitions, engineering plastics, rail transportation, metal processing, insulation materials, models, furniture, electronics and so on. “The quality first ,customer first ”is Entrylaser consistant goal.Entrylaser owns one experienced,well-trained team of engineers.They are high-class professionals of industries of mechanics,electronic and computer hardware fields.They are ready to serve Entrylaser customers with the world"s leading technology of engraving,milling ,cutting,etc… 加工方式 : OEM加工; 工艺 : 组装;电工组装;表面处理; 产品质量认证 : 其他; 品牌名称 : Entrylaser 质量控制 : 内部